模块:Template test case/data

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脚本错误:Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

-- This module processes configuration data for use in
-- [[Module:Template test case]]. It is loaded from the main module with
-- mw.loadData.

local cfg = require('Module:Template test case/config')

local function escapePattern(s)
	s = s:gsub('%p', '%%%0')
	return s

-- Escape config items that need to be used as patterns. Doing it here is more
-- efficient, as mw.loadData saves them from having to be computed for every
-- test case on a page.
cfg.templateNameMagicWordPattern = escapePattern(cfg.templateNameMagicWord)
cfg.sandboxSubpagePattern = '/' .. escapePattern(cfg.sandboxSubpage) .. '$'

return cfg