
来自About High Performance
Sxzhang讨论 | 贡献2023年11月7日 (二) 16:50的版本 (导入1个版本)
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/* {{pp-template}} */
/* This snippet just undoes the default "padding-left: 1.6em;" imposed by
   div.hatnote, when Template:Crossreference is used in block (div) mode.
   Ignore the dumb CSS editor's "Element (div.crossreference) is overqualified"
   warning.  It is wrong.  We do not want to apply any CSS intended for block
   mode when it is not in block mode. While it's unlikely our "padding-left: 0;"
   does anything wrong in inline (span) mode, we can't guarantee it forever.  */
div.crossreference {
    padding-left: 0;