
来自About High Performance
Sxzhang讨论 | 贡献2023年11月3日 (五) 14:12的版本
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Architecture of Ascend 910 Chips

Main features: 1. The Huawei Ascend 910 has 32 DaVinci AI cores. 2. The chip combines these DaVinci AI cores with high-speed HBM2 memory. 3. The main chip also has additional logic blocks such as 128 channel video decoding engines. 4. There is a Nimbus V3 chip that handles most of the I/O and is co-packaged alongside the main chip and the HBM2 stacks. 5. The Huawei Ascend 910 is designed to run at a higher power envelope (350W) and higher performance compared to the Ascend 310. 6. Huawei claims 256 TFLOPs of FP16 performance for the Ascend 910. 7. The Tesla V100 has 112-125 TFLOPs for deep learning thanks to its tensor cores.