Tengyun S2500

来自About High Performance
Sxzhang讨论 | 贡献2023年11月7日 (二) 19:18的版本
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Key Information
Product Name Feiteng Tengyun S2500
Manufacturer Phytium (Chinese semiconductor company)
Release Date 2023
Description A 64-core data center processor designed for cloud and high-performance computing applications
Key Features
  • enhanced security capabilities for cloud servers
  • improved memory subsystem reliability
  • 64 FTC661 cores based on Armv8 ISA
  • 64 MB of L3 cache
  • 512 KB of L2 per core (total 96 MB of processor cache)
Power Consumption 150 Watts (up from 90 Watts of previous generation)
Status First new CPU from Phytium in several years, production capacity and access to foundries uncertain due to U.S. sanctions, only display units have been shown so far
Potential Collaboration Interest in collaborating with Huawei to unify hardware and software ecosystems