模块:Section link/doc:修订间差异

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2023年11月6日 (一) 20:23的最新版本

Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

This module creates links to sections, nicely formatted with the "§" symbol instead of the default "#".


From wikitext

From wikitext, this module should be used via the template {{section link}}. Please see the template page for documentation.

From Lua

First, load the module:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local mSectionLink = require('Module:Section link') </syntaxhighlight>

You can then make section links via the _main function.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mSectionLink._main(page, sections, options, title) </syntaxhighlight>


  • page - the page name to link to. Defaults to the full page name of title, or the current title if that is not specified.
  • sections - an array of section names to link to, or a string to link to just one section name.
  • options - a table of options. Accepts the following fields:
    • nopage - set this to true to avoid displaying the base page name in links.
  • title - a default mw.title object to use instead of the current title. Intended for testing purposes.

All parameters are optional.


Lua code Wikitext code Result
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua" class="" id="" style="" inline="1">mSectionLink('Paris')</syntaxhighlight> {{section link|Paris}} Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua" class="" id="" style="" inline="1">mSectionLink('Paris', 'Architecture')</syntaxhighlight> {{section link|Paris|Architecture}} Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua" class="" id="" style="" inline="1">mSectionLink('Paris', {'Architecture', 'Culture'})</syntaxhighlight> {{section link|Paris|Architecture|Culture}} Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua" class="" id="" style="" inline="1">mSectionLink('Paris', {'Architecture', 'Culture', 'Sport'})</syntaxhighlight> {{section link|Paris|Architecture|Culture|Sport}} Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua" class="" id="" style="" inline="1">mSectionLink('Paris', {'Architecture', 'Culture', 'Sport'}, {nopage = true})</syntaxhighlight> {{section link|Paris|Architecture|Culture|Sport|nopage=yes}} Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

See also

  • The character used is 表达式错误:未预料的<操作符。Lua错误:无法创建进程:proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted